350-040 Exam
CCIE Storage Networking
Exam Number/Code : 350-040
Exam Name : CCIE Storage Networking
Questions and Answers : 313 Q&As
Written Exam
General Information
CCIE Storage Networking Written Exam #350-040
The written exam is a two-hour, multiple choice test with 90-110 questions covering topics such as storage device protocols, troubleshooting tools, storage networking design, applications, and advanced management.
Beta Exams
Each written exam version is offered first in beta form at a discounted cost of US$50. Beta exams are scheduled as you would other written exams and are available at all worldwide testing locations. A passing grade on the beta qualifies a candidate to schedule the lab exam. Results, however, are typically not available until six to eight weeks after the close of the beta. A candidate may attempt the beta exam only once during the beta period.
Written exams are administered by independent vendors at cost of US$350. Costs may vary due to exchange rates and local taxes (VAT, GST).
Candidates must make an initial attempt of the CCIE lab exam within 18 months of passing the CCIE written exam. Valid passing scores on written exams expire after 18 months.
Written exams are taken at any worldwide VUE testing facility. See their websites for more details.
Written exam results are Pass/Fail and are available immediately following the exam. The passing score is set by statistical analysis and is subject to periodic change.
Candidates must wait five days between attempts at the written exam. Once a candidate has passed the exam, he or she may not take the same exam again (for recertification purposes) for at least 180 days.
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640-460 Study Guide
640-460 Exam
IIUC Implementing Cisco IOS Unified Communications (IIUC)
Exam Number/Code : 640-460
Exam Name : IIUC Implementing Cisco IOS Unified Communications (IIUC)
Questions and Answers : 114 Q&As
CCNA Voice
CCNA Voice Certification
The Cisco Certified Network Associate Voice (CCNA® Voice) validates associate-level knowledge and skills required to administer a voice networkThe Cisco® CCNA Voice certification confirms that the required skill set for specialized job roles in voice technologies such as voice technologies administrator, voice engineer, and voice manager. It validates skills in VoIP technologies such as IP PBX, IP telephony, handset, call control, and voicemail solutions.
The CCNA Voice Certification enterprise option assesses skills/knowledge related to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.0 (CUCM) 6.0. It is typically employed by large organizations such as governments, large companies, and colleges. The CVOICE #642-436 exam will be required for this option.
The CCNA Voice Certification commercial option assesses skills/knowledge related to the Cisco CallManager Express (CME) and Cisco Unity Express (CUE) solutions typically used by medium & small organizations such as companies with less than 2,000 employees, retail businesses, and small school districts. The IIUC exam #640-460 will be required for this option.
CCNA Voice syllabus
Important information regarding CCNA Voice
On June 24th, 2009, Learning@Cisco announced program changes to the CCNA Voice certification. There will now be two options available for candidates wishing to achieve their CCNA Voice certification:A commercial option and an enterprise option.
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