050-695 Exam
Novell eDirectory Design and Implementation:eDirectory 8.8
Exam Number/Code : 050-695
Exam Name : Novell eDirectory Design and Implementation:eDirectory 8.8
Questions and Answers : 70 Q&As
Update Time: 2010-06-25
Price:$ 79.00
It is well known that 050-695 exam test is the hot exam of Novell, Inc certification. TestInside offer you all the Q&A of the 050-695 real test . It is the examination of the perfect combination and it will help you pass 050-695 exam at the first time!
1. Which statement is true about eDirectory partitions?
A. Partitions can overlap each other.
B. A container object can reside in 2 partitions.
C. A partition provides fault tolerance for the file system.
D. Partitions are logical divisions of eDirectory that enable the database to be divided among several servers.
Answer: D
2. Which replica type contains only the partition root object?
A. Master
B. Read-only
C. Read/write
D. Filtered replica
E. Subordinate reference
Answer: E
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